Old Rules

So, I’ve decided to let you in on a little secret. One of those things that coaches can help you solve. Actually, it’s something I became aware of during my coach training.

It’s about what we call Old Rules. A rule that sounds great but can actually block you from getting things done. My old rule came from my father. I heard it over and over until it became ingrained in me and it started to have an affect on my ability to get things done and also on my stress level.

The rule was simple but powerful! “If you’re going to do something, do it right!”


I didn’t realize how much this rule affected me until I actually thought about it. I was a perfectionist. That’s not a good thing! The fear of failure can influence your life in so many ways. For me, it put a lot of pressure on everything I did. In college it caused me a lot of anxiety. Rewriting things until they were perfect, stressing over every exam.

Since high school I’ve wanted to write books but I could never finish any of them because they were never quite perfect enough. This rule affected me in other ways too. Throwing parties, my home, even buying the perfect gift for someone would take me hours.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with doing the best you can. That rule has served a purpose in many ways too. I did well, and went far in school. I’ve developed really strong research skills and persistence. I also know I can do anything I put my mind to.

It has, however, stopped me trying or completing some things that I wanted to do like writing those books! Now that I’m aware of the old rule and replaced it with a new one, I can get more done.

So please don’t expect all of my blog posts to be perfect. I will do my best to write stories that help and inspire you. If I had to wait until they were perfect, well, there probably wouldn’t be a blog at all!

What I’d like you to take away from this post is this. Look at things that might be blocking you from moving forward or accomplishing what you want. Be aware of the rules or just how you look at things. Think of how you can change the rule or look at something differently. In a way that will help you move forward. If you can put those things in to perspective imagine how much better that would serve you!

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